Category: Design Directory
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1 Malaysia

DIVERSITY in unity might be an overused phrase in a plural society as old as Malaysia, but it is a concept that remains relevant and extremely important to be embraced by the people.

Enter 1Malaysia, a concept that encapsulates that very idea, which emphasises the importance of national unity regardless of race, background or religious belief for a better tomorrow.

To achieve this, the country needs one set of common values. These are the values that have been inculcated among Malaysians for many years. The concept should be stretched further for a more solid future.

The values evolve around the culture of excellence, perseverance, humility, acceptance, loyalty, meritocracy, education and integrity.

The direction of 1Malaysia, introduced officially on September 16, 2010 by Dato' Sri Mohd Najib Bin Tun Hj Abd Razak, is therefore very clear. Under this concept, various components of implementation have been introduced horizontally and vertically – with the aim of easing the burden of the people.

Familarisation with the 1Malaysia products will in turn be beneficial to all Malaysians.



Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia

Pendidikan Berkualiti, Insan Terdidik, Negara Sejahtera.

Melestarikan Sistem Pendidikan yang Berkualiti untuk Membangunkan Potensi Individu bagi Memenuhi Aspirasi Negara.



Kementerian ini telah ditubuhkan pada 1973 sebagai Kementerian Teknologi, Penyelidikan dan Kerajaan Tempatan. Pada tahun 1976, selaras dengan fungsi dan tanggungjawab baru yang berkaitan dengan isu-isu alam sekitar, nama Kementerian telah ditukar kepada Kementerian Sains, Teknologi dan Alam Sekitar (MOSTE). Seterusnya, Jemaah Menteri pada 27 Mac 2004 telah bersetuju dengan penstrukturan semula MOSTE dan nama Kementerian ditukar kepada Kementerian Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi (MOSTI) bagi menerajui fungsi pembangunan ICT negara, Multimedia dan Inovasi. Pada tahun 2007, fungsi sains dan teknologi dipecahkan mengikut kluster Bioteknologi, ICT, Industri, Angkasa, Laut dan Atmosfera dan Teras Sains dan Teknologi.


Majlis Rekabentuk Malaysia

The Malaysia Design logo which is set in a red rectangle, represents the body of a pencil, indicating a solid body that is set to be the back bone of the design industry in Malaysia. The tip of the pencil which is set in red, represents the Malaysian flag colour and signifies the direction of our designs that is brilliant and intelligent coupled with powerful impacts.


Institute of Research Management & Innovation

  • To manage, coordinate and provide necessary services for successful research, consultancy and research publication.
  • To assist the exploration of new areas along with its niche.
  • To disseminate information and provide training on research, consultancy and research publication.
  • To ensure continuous innovation,quality research, consultancy and publication.
  • To provide quality services through state-of-the-art facilities.
  • To facilitate publishing research findings in high impact journals.